Sunday, October 2, 2011

Suck My Nipple

Me. A girl. My nipple.

The sensation of a man's nipple getting sucked is not physical pleasure. The physical act of your nipple being suckled on is like wiping your ass with toilet paper. Why she sucked my nipple is her issue. My pleasure was from the gossip.

I was the hero of the party. I could hear people saying, "Did you hear that she sucked on his nipple?"

It was truly an experience that for the five seconds it happened for, I was intrigued. The event did not even turn me on ever so slightly. To be brutally honest, it felt like my tit was a piece of gum and she was chewing on it ever so lightly.

So thank you nipple sucking female, for that odd occurrence. It was truly appreciated. Regressing to my earlier analogy, me as the ass, thanks you for wiping.

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